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Pump Motor - Quote Request

Customer Information
*Contact Name:
Job Title(s):
* Phone (10 digit min.) : Fax:
* Email Address:
Company Name:
City: State: Zip:
Project Information
* Describe Application in Detail (include make, model & year if possible):
* Quantity of Motors Per Year :
* Photo Attachment Required
Send Project Photo ( .jpg, .gif, .tif, .png) :
* (If you don't have a picture of the exact vehicle, just do a Google search & attach something similar)
Comments :
Mechanical Design
* Motor Shaft Type Needed (choose option below for examples):
Straight Output Shaft
Splined Output Shaft
* Pump Manufacturer:
* Pump Model Number:
* Pump Displacement:
Pump SAE Standard:
Comments :
Current Motor
* Does you project currently have a motor? (choose option below):
Performance Requirements
H.P. :
Desired Speed: RPM
Minimum Speed: RPM
Maximum Speed: RPM
No Load Torque:
Full Load Torque:
Comments :
Electrical Requirements
Max Amps :
* System Voltage :
* Battery (Pack)Type:
(Ex. Lead Acid-Flooded, Qty: 12 x 8 volts, US Battery)
* Total Battery Pack Amp hours :
(Ex. 183 Amp. Hr.)
Duty Cycle Requirements : (Ex. 10% ON, 50% ON, Continuous)
• Not sure what "Duty Cycle" means? Click here to learn more.
Comments :

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